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Borate-Glycol Wood Preservative

Shell-Guard provides the ultimate protection against insects and wood rot for your log home. This new generation of preservative combines the well-known effectiveness of borates with a glycol system that increases the penetration into the wood to enhance the action of the borate.

Shell-Guard is colorless and odorless. The glycols used are the same type as those found in many food and skin care products.

Shell-Guard is a concentrate that is mixed with an equal amount of water, then applied to bare wood with a brush or as a spray. Once in the wood, it will kill those insects that eat wood such as wood boring beetles and termites. It also kills the types of fungi that are responsible for rot and decay. Shell-Guard makes wood toxic to wood destroying organisms!

The best thing about Shell-Guard is that one application will last the life of your home as long as the exterior surfaces are maintained with a quality, water resistant stain such as Lifeline.

(Shell-Guard Concentrate is not available in Canada)

Shell Guard Available Sizes

Shell-Guard Available Sizes

Shell-Guard concentrate is available in 1 gallon, 2.5 gallon and 5 gallon pails.

Shell-Guard Product Information

Product Information

Shell-Guard provides the ultimate protection against insects and wood rot for your log home.


  • A Preventative or Remedial Treatment
  • Deep Penetrating
  • EPA Registered
  • Colorless

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Preservatives FAQ

Our preservative products - Shell-Guard, Armor-Guard, and Cobra Rods - protect logs from certain insects that cause wood damage. Read more here.

Preservatives Reviews