Chris Hastings, the second generation of log home restorers knew the answers. The major problem was in the design of the house. The house was designed improperly for the building site. The extensive damage on the lower third of the wall on the exposed side of the house was due to the insufficient overhangs and water damage.
What kind of work will bring this house back to life? The first step for this project is exterior media blasting, followed by log repairs, washing and brightening the exterior wood surface, applying borates to preserve the logs and interior and exterior chinking. Exterior visible water damage prompted Chris to cut away the outer half of this log which shows major water damage in the log's core.
You can see how carpenter ants ( which are attracted to high moisture content in wood) have the ability to destroy logs in your log home, often in a short period of time, and in this case, causing major structural damage. Prevention of water intrusion by using a high quality log home finish (Lifeline Ultra with Lifeline Advance) and sealants (Perma-Chink and/or Check Mate 2) would have helped eliminate this costly problem.
Following the use of the finish removal system, that stripped off previously applied paint and UV discoloration, you can see (below) how a treatment of Oxcon further brightens the logs without damaging wood fibers. Following a rinsing of the logs with water, your home is now ready for the borate treatment with Shell-Guard.
After a borate treatment with Shell-Guard was completed, M-Balm was injected (squeeze bottle) within the log cavity. M-Balm not only hardens the wood, but also stops any further spreading of wood rot. Following the treatment of Shell-Guard and Oxcon to brighten the wood, Chris installed one window to the left for better appearance of this home. Now that house is protected against wood-destroying insects, an application of stain and topcoat will not only enhance your home's aesthetic appeal, but will offer protection as well.
The transparent stain will protect your wood from the damaging effects of UV exposure. We recommend one coat of Lifeline Advance (clear coat finish, similar technology used in the automobile industry) over the stain color for protection and extending the life of the pigments in the stain. It also will give a maximum protection against water penetration.
The repair of water-damaged log ends will bring us to the final step: applying Perma-Chink between all logs to further protect against air and water intrusion. Prior to the last step of chinking the featured structure, Chris Hastings and his crew replace the outer half of the structurally damaged lower log with a fresh, sound log section.
The final step in the restoration process is to chink all seams (both vertical and horizontal). Perma-Chink chinking that permanently bonds to wood will retain its elastic features in all climates and will provide year round energy efficient comfort.