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Find a Log Home Contractor

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Get Your Log Home Projects Done Right with the Help of Specialized Local Contractors

Step 1

Type in your city and state or zip code in the Log Home Address text box.

Step 2

Select the prompted location from the drop down list.

Step 3

Click "Search" to get the closest Preferred Contractors.


Attention: For iPhone and iPad users, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your zip code and we will supply contact information for the nearest contractors in your area. 


 Contractor Search

Log Home Address


*If your search result equals "no contractors found," be sure to select the prompted location for the address and/or increase your search radius. Tip: For homeowners in larger states, you may get more results by increasing the search radius. For best response, we recommend selecting between 3 to 5 contractor leads.


When selecting your contractor(s) through the search tool, click on the "Contact this Contractor" at the top of the screen. You will complete a form that contains information about the project, which will be sent to the contractor to familiarize themselves with the project. After submitting your project information, you will receive an email that contains the contractor's contact information so you can reach out to them directly. This email will be from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and if you don't see an email within 24 hours after submitting your request, please check your junk/spam email folders. Gmail users will have a delay in receiving the referral emails. Please only request between 3-7 referrals. Excessive referrals will be flagged as spam by our system.

If you do not receive the referral emails, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. directly and we can send you the information. We are happy to offer you all our resources to make this process a successful experience. We will contact you within 7-10 days to follow-up on the referral connection to ensure information is being exchanged. Possible future follow-up contact may be performed if the job was awarded to one of our preferred log home contractors. Note these contractors are not Perma-Chink Systems employees or companies, they are independent contractors.


Would you entrust your car to a golf-cart mechanic? While similar in nature, there is a difference between the two. Log home maintenance and restoration contractors have experience dealing with the unique characteristics that come with a log and timber home. This experience will give you a better result than hiring a painting contractor. Not to mention the long-term relationship the contractors have with the product manufacturer. When it comes to caring for your log home, it's reassuring to know that you can choose a contractor on whom you can rely on for good advice as well trust that they’re dedicated to providing you with the best results possible. Our network of independent professional log home contractors stand ready to assist you.


We offer an extensive referral list of log home contractors from coast to coast. Most of these contractors are self-employed and none are affiliated with Perma-Chink Systems, but they do have both experience and training in using our products on log and timber homes. Many of the contractors we've worked with for years, and we continually review our referral list to provide our customers with the best available log home contractors. Limited as a referral service, it is best to interview the contractors yourself to determine their reliability, reputation, and experience, as well as their procedures that best meet your individual needs.