Being a Preferred Applicator with Perma-Chink Systems is an excellent method of increasing your potential customer base with little effort. Any contractor can become a Preferred Applicator, they just need to agree to a few simple requirements. Best of all, Preferred Applicators don't have to pay to become one. There's no membership dues, no processing fees, nothing. Just attend a training once every two years, do your best work, and use our products. It's that simple.
Our Preferred Applicators have visibility to tens of thousands of customers through Perma-Chink Systems' Find A Contractor tool. Launched in May of 2018, the Find A Contractor search tool opens up another avenue to obtain customers. Perma-Chink Systems adminsters the tool, which connects homeowners with you. An automated process done electronically, customers have the power to select their own contractor.
So APPLY TODAY if you're wanting to improve your business.
We communicate important Preferred Applicator-specific information through emails during the year. We do not sell your email address, nor overwhelm your inbox with daily or weekly emails. If you are not receiving these emails, or are a professional who wishes to sign up, fill out this form with your contact information.
With so many different choices on the market for wood restoration and cleaning products, it can be confusing trying to decide just what to use. Unfortunately, when it comes to cleaning or restoring wood, there is no “one size fits all” approach. Each unique situation has a chemical solution that best solves that problem. Perma-Chink Systems understands these challenges and we have developed specific products to address each situation.
When I was growing up, I was fascinated with forts. I would often get together with friends from the neighborhood, and we would combine our resources and construct some rather elaborate fortresses. To test our handywork we would end our session with a great battle to decide whose fort was superior. Fast forward nearly forty years and I am still helping design forts! At Perma-Chink Systems the forts we are building are designed to protect your home against the forces of nature such as sunlight, wind, rain, dust, insects and microorganisms. Let us take a closer look at what our fort looks like.
Perma-Chink's Technical Team has devoted a tremendous amount of time on projects to develop high quality products. These projects involved a significant amount of scientific testing that helped define our product portfolio with new and improved products.
Here are 4 things we have learned along the way:
Lifeline Interior is a natural looking, transparent wood finish. It forms a breathable protective layer for your walls and ceilings while highlighting the beauty and grain of the wood. Our unique breathable formula allows natural wood moisture to escape from the wood yet provides a tough surface film that can easily be cleaned and dusted, especially when top coated with our Acrylic Gloss or Satin clear finish.
To understand, it takes a little bit of chemistry and physics but the concept is fairly simple. Technically, for those of you who want to impress friends, the scientific term is vapor permeability - the ability of water vapor to permeate through a film.
There is a popular misconception that spraying the wood with water before applying a borate will aid the penetration of the borate into the wood. Wetting the surface does not increase the interior moisture content enough to matter. Pores of the wood get filled with water and less borate is absorbed into the wood, which lessens the effectiveness. When it comes to treating a log home with borates, the drier and more absorbent the surface is, the better the treatment.
Deck Defense™ deck stain was designed for better performance, longer life and easier application. We removed the oils and hazardous driers to produce a friendlier product. Although it is a totally waterborne product, it has the penetrating properties like oil. Unlike oil, Deck Defense hardens into a lattice, supporting and strengthening the natural cellulosic fibers to protect from the inside out, not just on the surface.
Additionally, powerful additives to Deck Defense inhibit the growth of mold, mildew and algae within the cured film. We also have incorporated a bit of wax to help repel surface water. Homeowners can feel secure in the knowledge that their investment is protected from the damaging effects of wind, sun and water.
Deck Defense is easily applied to dry surfaces with a pump-up sprayer, roller, brushes, pads or an airless sprayer. Designed for a one coat application, an additional coat may be applied using a “wet on wet” method in order to achieve a deeper and richer color. Wet product should be back-brushed to eliminate splotchy areas and reduce the chances of lap marks and eliminate pooling of product.
Shell-Guard™ Concentrate, Shell-Guard RTU, and Armor-Guard™ are all used as solutions that contain water. Since time and cold temperatures affect each of these products somewhat differently, we’ll address each product individually.
Pressure washing (also referred to power washing) is the function of using highly pressurized water to remove mildew, mold, dirt, pollen, UV graying, etc. You’ll hear different recommendations whether or not pressure washing your logs is the best cleaning method.
Generally speaking, pressure washing is the quickest and least expensive choice.
One fallacy is that you’re saturating and “damaging” your logs with water as a result of pressure washing. This simply isn’t true. On hard, sound, rot-free logs, you’re only introducing water into the top fibers of the wood.