Being a Preferred Applicator with Perma-Chink Systems is an excellent method of increasing your potential customer base with little effort. Any contractor can become a Preferred Applicator, they just need to agree to a few simple requirements. Best of all, Preferred Applicators don't have to pay to become one. There's no membership dues, no processing fees, nothing. Just attend a training once every two years, do your best work, and use our products. It's that simple.
Our Preferred Applicators have visibility to tens of thousands of customers through Perma-Chink Systems' Find A Contractor tool. Launched in May of 2018, the Find A Contractor search tool opens up another avenue to obtain customers. Perma-Chink Systems adminsters the tool, which connects homeowners with you. An automated process done electronically, customers have the power to select their own contractor.
So APPLY TODAY if you're wanting to improve your business.
Not Receiving PC Pros Emails?
We communicate important Preferred Applicator-specific information through emails during the year. We do not sell your email address, nor overwhelm your inbox with daily or weekly emails. If you are not receiving these emails, or are a professional who wishes to sign up, fill out this form with your contact information.
To submit your information for the Preferred Applicator Program, please complete this online form. A representative from Perma-Chink Systems will contact you regarding your application.
Do you have an excellent project you'd like to share? Complete the following form to submit your project, and we'll publish it online through your Find A Contractor listing, or our store pages, or Perma-Chink Systems' social media accounts. We're looking for fantastic before and after projects, restorations and repairs. Please provide the Perma-Chink Systems products applied in the project, including color choices. If you have many pictures, or videos, please send them directly to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
We are reaching out to you, yet again! This time we want to say “thank you”! Perma-Chink Systems has listened to the invaluable feedback you have provided through surveys, one-on-one conversations, and recent Professional Log Home Applicator seminars. What we have heard is that you like our products, love our service, appreciate our marketing efforts, but - you still are not getting leads from us! Perma-Chink sincerely appreciates your input; you and your employees are often the only contact between Perma-Chink Systems and log home owners, let’s face it – you are vitally important to Perma-Chink Systems!
For years, our Customer Service Representatives have invested time in providing Contractor Referrals for homeowners, working diligently to get your name out there. The Customer Service Representatives then send you an email stating we provided your name to a homeowner in your area; you wait by the phone for the business that is surely coming your way. Nothing happens. This is not always the case, but it has happened too many times. We feel your pain and frustration!
Every time a local house painter with no log home experience applies product to a log home, we all lose. You do not get the job, we do not supply the material, and the homeowner gets a sub-par job. This happens for many reasons, but most often because homeowners cannot find quality log home maintenance contractors. Let’s change that!
Perma-Chink Systems will be adding a new Preferred Applicator Locator to the Perma-Chink Systems website. Yes, there are already some Companies using similar programs, but this is going to be different in a couple of ways – most importantly it will bring local work to your business. When a homeowner enters the site, they will be prompted to use filters for services required, coupled with the zip code of where the home is located. If your business is closest, your information would be displayed in the results. This should help you build your business near your home and family. Additionally, Perma-Chink Systems will actively market this link through the same channels used for product promotion. The potential for driving thousands of log homeowners to your company services within the Perma-Chink website with these filters should tremendously increase your opportunity to gain viable leads.
“How will this new Preferred Applicator Locator work”, you ask? A log home owner selects the Preferred Applicator Locator link, enters their zip code (with the ability to establish a parameter) for the search. They will then be prompted to select the type of work to be done (staining, chinking, etc.). All of the contractors within the specified search parameters will be displayed in on what we will call the “list page”. The list page will reflect your company logo, and the customer will be able to view logos of all applicators within the boundaries they established with the filters. On the list page they can peruse through the organized logos and view the available company names. On a side note, if you do not currently have a logo for your company, Perma-Chink’s marketing team will create a logo for use on the list page, so you can participate even if you do not currently use a company logo!
Now, when they click on your company logo it will take them to your own landing page within the Perma-Chink website. You will be requested to provide some basic information (i.e. Company and contact information, type of work you specialize in, testimonials, before and after pictures of work you have done, etc.) to fill your landing page, and you will be able to submit updates or changes to your landing page as needed. For instance, perhaps you are booked for the summer and you are getting phone calls from our website that you can’t handle. You can notify us to update your landing page with a notice that says “Now booking jobs for Fall of 2018”. Or, you could add something like “We will be working in the Atlanta area in September 2018, call us now for a free estimate.” The landing page is your opportunity to market your business through our website.
Through the landing page homeowners can contact you directly by information you provide on your Perma-Chink Systems landing page. The homeowner will select to a button to contact you and then will be given an opportunity to describe their project (e.g. size and age of the home, problems they are having, what is currently on the home or other relevant information). Yes, we want obtain this information for our database as well because we want to measure our programs’ efficiency. But more importantly, we want to be able to make sure we have the best program in the business!
Although you may have been doing business with us forever, we want to make sure your landing page is up-to-date and current, so we will ask you to resubmit much of what we may already have obtained previously (submit online here).
Company Logo – if you do not have one we will create one for use on our website.
Company Information – tell us how long you have been in business, your crew, your experience, etc.
Provide Contact Information - PCS requests you to provide a valid email address and phone number.
Specify the work you do – identify any of the following categories you will do: staining, sealant application, blasting, energy efficiency testing, annual maintenance programs, log replacement, historical preservation.
States you work in – list them! Identify other base addresses if you have crews in multiple states. Because this will be zip code based, also specify how many miles you are willing to travel from the base address you provide.
Specify if you are bonded and insured – homeowners want to know! Just specify “yes” or “no”.
Share pictures – submit before and after pictures of other homes you have done. Label each picture (i.e. Smith home before, Smith home after). If you want to include information regarding what Perma-Chink products and colors you used, this is a very common inquiry! You can even post a picture of your dog - whatever you feel will gain you an opportunity to do business with the homeowner.
Share your company feedback - if you have testimonials from your customer base this is the place to share them – it’s all about you!
Keep in mind as you submit these items; this landing page is your opportunity to put your company in front of the people who will be hiring you! You are communicating to the people that provide your living – and ours, so please spend some time on it - be accurate, and truthful.
Now for the tedious and boring stuff that will be required of you in order to qualify:
Complete our Preferred Applicator Application Form for Approval - Please provide current customer and job referrals as requested.
Provide and maintain current contact information – You are required to keep Perma-Chink Systems informed of any changes regarding your address, phone number, email, and services offered.
You must provide proof of Insurance, License, and Worker’s Compensation, where applicable or required by Law.
Attend a PCS Workshop once every 24 months – This is mandatory to keep you informed of NEW products and any changes to existing products. We want to also use this time to learn from you and get your feedback with products, application, and services.
PCS Leads & PCS Products – The Preferred Applicator Program is intended to promote your business and PCS products. Therefore, through this mutually beneficial arrangement, we trust that you will be an avid proponent of our products and use Perma-Chink whenever possible.
Maintain satisfactory customer reviews.
Maintain acceptable payment and credit terms, if applicable.
Again, we are grateful to you for being honest with your feedback, and it is with great pleasure that we announce this new service to you, our most valued customer!
Rick Webb - Perma-Chink Systems, Director of East Coast Sales
Applying and tooling Perma-Chink or Energy Seal sealant you need the right tools to make the job easier and quicker. Depending on the job and type of sealant needed, you have a few decisions to make regarding the tools and accessories you'll need for the project.
Starting Out On The Right Foot
Having the right tools at hand is critical for a good chinking job. The most popular tool for applying Perma-Chink or Energy Seal is the bulk-loading gun. This tool is available in two sizes, the 20oz. and 30oz. capacity and operates by pulling sealant straight from the pail.
To Our Customers and Manufacturers, Dealers, and Applicator Partners
The entire Nation is stalled with this Coronavirus, Federal State and Local governments are gridlocked on what they should and can do, local business are trying to figure out if they should or can continue to function and there is uncertainty everywhere. Bottom line is we don’t know how long beating this virus will take or what options we might have to weather the storm. But one thing we do know is that if we can’t work, we don’t have income. In my opinion we don’t run on handouts or the hope of money dropping out of the sky – we take care of our own and make our own way.