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Crucial Perma-Chink Systems Product Q & A

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Crucial Perma-Chink Systems Product Q & A

Hi there, sports fans! Can you believe it is November? Seems to me I was just getting used to summer! Cold weather is coming and it pays to get serious about closing those last few orders and thinking about comfort and home protection over the winter. 

You can assure customers by suggesting they've spent their last winter with drafts, cool air, and high energy costs with a properly sealed home. They will be much more comfortable, increase their home value, and protect their log home investment by chinking now, before the winter cold sets in.

If the logs themselves could use some additional protection, suggest LIFELINE natural wood finish, which is specifically designed for log homes. LIFELINE is easy to apply, enhances the natural beauty of the logs, and provides premium protection against the ravages of the coming winter.

And for sure note that if you apply LIFELINE finishes to the home now, we assure compatibility with Perma-Chink chinking for later applications. Works great the other way around, too - chink now with Perma-Chink or Energy Seal and follow up with LIFELINE for a dynamite sealant system. 

Q: I am always pressed for time, how soon after LIFELINE application can I apply Perma-Chink?

A: LIFELINE will dry to the touch in an hour or so, and Perma-Chink can easily be applied the following day. 

Q: Do we put Shell-Guard wood preservative on the inside or outside of the home?

A: To protect the log completely against the target organism, you must get the required amount of active ingredient into the log surface. To do this you should treat the entire surface of the log per the label instructions (one mixed gallon to 108 sq.ft.). The simplest way is to apply Shell-Guard to both sides of the logs before chinking or staining. Don’t worry about overspray on the floor or interior framing- in fact, it’s a good idea to spray Shell-Guard two feet in from the walls on all floor members during this phase of construction.


Q: Does LIFELINE Stain have Mildewcide?

A: Yes, LIFELINE stains for exterior wood surfaces have an effective mildewcide, however in conditions conductive to the growth of mildew, even the most effective mildewcide can be overwhelmed. Mildewcide in LIFELINE finishes helps prevent mildew from growing in or on the stain film only. So, mildew or fungus should be removed completely before application of the LIFELINE stain.


Q: How dry should logs be before they are ready to stain?

A: Wet logs pose the most serious problems to oil-based stains that do not adequately penetrate wet wood surfaces, and to any film-forming stains that prohibit evaporation, thereby trapping moisture inside logs. LIFELINE stains and finishes let logs breathe to allow moisture to evaporate from wet logs. Extremely wet logs might reduce the life of the first application of stain, but there are good reasons to stain as soon as is possible. Exposure to the weather causes fading of the natural wood color, which can affect the final home color. The longer bare wood is exposed to the elements, the more mold and mildew spores settle on the surface.

Cleaning the logs, then immediately applying LIFELINE and a topcoat of LIFELINE Advance stabilizes the color, adds a water repellant film, and provides a protective film containing mildewicides and UV inhibitors. If you are in a geographic location where mold and mildew are prevalent, we advise you to include additional mildewicide additives in your first coat of LIFELINE finish.


Q: Will Perma-Chink stick to oil or solvent based stains?

A: Yes. Oils in conventional stains have a tendency to evaporate fairly quickly, leaving loosely bound tint on the surface of the logs. Remove any loose material and try the water drop test. If Perma-Chink doesn't have to fight its way through a layer of goop or oil, it will bond to the wood tighter than any material. 


Q: Can Perma-Chink be applied to a milled log home?

A: Yes. Perma-Chink log chinking can be applied to any style log home. But we recommend our specialty sealant for milled log homes - Energy Seal. It will seal out damaging water and virtually eliminate air infiltration, making your home much more livable and protected in the winter months to come. 


Q: Can I apply Deck Defense to treated wood?

A: Yes, Deck Defense can be applied to treated wood, cedar and redwood, etc. It is designed for any horizontal surface, particularly if abrasion and traffic patterns are a concern.