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From Steve in ID

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From Steve in ID

“I thought you may like to see this. I attended one of your spring seminars this year and learned the necessary steps to use and apply your company’s products. I have to say, each and every product I used (whether I was skeptical or not) performed exactly as it was marketed. I used nearly everything, including the glass media, Osborn brush, Prelude, Ultra 7, Advance Gloss Topcoat, Chink, Check Mate, Energy Seal, Log End Seal, E-Wood and what seemed to be miles of backer rod!
I was amazed by the transformation my client's home went through and equally amazed by the product and continued customer support I received during the application and learning process. My hat's off to Perma-Chink. Great product. Great service. I look forward to the next opportunity I have to work with you!"

Steve S. in ID

Last modified on Thursday, 18 September 2014 21:35