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From Nancy in MT

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From Nancy in MT

“Dear Greg,

As you know, after a severe hailstorm two years ago, Gary and I had to blast and refinish our 34-year-old log home this summer, finishing the work around Labor Day. We have had neighbors come over, run their hands over the logs and ask how we got such gorgeous wood on our home. Or had others who said how wonderful our home looked from the rural road we live on. Here is where we want to thank you personally for helping us to effectively use Perma-Chink products for the longevity and spectacular beauty of our log home.

From the very beginning, you walked us through the order of the steps to be taken. Such as getting batch numbers for Prelude and Sequoia stain. Explaining which product was necessary for the next step and why that product was needed. Saying how precisely to apply it, while also answering questions about daily weather and heat conditions, etc.

We felt free to call you any time of the day when we had questions. You were always thoughtful and thorough in your answers, in addition to being extremely friendly and encouraging to us for such a labor intensive and expensive project. You helped us to understand why Perma-Chink was the best choice, even if not the least expensive option.

When we needed to test products, you called your office in Stevensville and had free samples sent to us by the next day. You also helped us to understand how our Rocky Mountain weather conditions would affect how we used the products at high altitudes, with very dry and hot weather and intense UV light. These are all different from conditions in Kentucky, where it can be humid, where dry rot is not a problem and where extreme direct sunlight is not necessarily the name of the game. You helped us to identify and sort through all the various parameters to successfully carry out the project so that it would last for many years in the future. We will keep up the Log Washing each year and apply Advance in two years as you explained to us how to test this on different sides of the house.

We also want to thank you for helping us to use a multi-step process in a way that was under warrantee and accomplished precisely what we needed to do according to weather and product requirements.

We gained tremendous knowledge and confidence that Perma-Chink was the right way to go under your tutelage. We don't recall support representatives from any other company ever being as available and helpful as you have been. We hope that you also can recognize how much your expertise helps not only homeowners, but contractors too, to carry out a successful Perma-Chink process that is not always necessarily straight forward.

Your "technical support" really made the entire difference in our comfort level and success. Our home now looks spectacular, thanks greatly to your input. Thank you so much, Greg, for all of your help, knowledge, and ability to guide us through a long and complex project.”  

Nancy L. in MT

Last modified on Thursday, 18 September 2014 21:32