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Better Built with Better Products

Dear Mr. Kennedy and Perma-Chink:

My log home has just been restored beautifully by Mark Hoge ( in Oregon.  A rough start because of a short working season wound up to be a wonderful experience.  Once the job was started, they stayed with it until it was finished.  His men were extremely nice and polite and worked tirelessly to get me the best job possible. 

This is my second experience with Perma-Chink and the contractor who built the home in 1988, Dan Nicklason of Bet'r Bilt is still recommending your products.  In 2007, I had a local painter use the corn-cob method and I was pleased with that except my home was in such bad shape, we kept running out of the corn cob.  Anyway, I was pleased then as I am pleased this time.  I feel that Mark knows what he's doing and was very patient in answering my questions.  I would say he is a master at staining.  I am grateful and appreciate Mark and Mr. Kennedy who gave me the names of the people who could help me with Perma-Chink. 

Thank you, most sincerely,

Mary Lynn (Satterla)

Umpqua, Oregon

Last modified on Thursday, 28 September 2017 23:17