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Q&A Deck Finish

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Q&A Deck Finish

Q&A About Wood Deck Finish Deck Defense™

Do I have to remove old finish?

In order to get the best life from Deck Defense, any old finish should be removed regardless of brand or type previously used.

Does it need a top coat?

No, do not apply any sort of top coat, as it will interfere with maintenance coats later and create a slip hazard.

Can I use something for carpenter bees like NBS-30?

We would say no to this, as it is water-borne oil rather than regular type oil.  There may be compatibility issues.

Can I tint this to make a different color?

Deck Defense is formulated with universal colorants; other forms of tint may not be compatible and could cause shortened life of the finish.

Can I add UV Boost™ to Deck Defense?

No, Do not add UV Boost to Deck Defense.

Can I use Prelude prior to application of Deck Defense?

No, Prelude surface sealer should never be applied prior to application of Deck Defense.

I just finished building a new deck; can I apply Deck Defense right now? 

The general answer would be no.  If you built with new pressure treated wood, it needs to dry out or season a bit before any stain application is done.  Four to six weeks as a rule of thumb, and then clean with Log Wash™ to open up surface and remove any mill glaze that still may be present.  If you built with one of the conifers (fir, cedar, any of the pines) you will want to wash the deck with Cedar Wash™ prior to applying Deck Defense.

How long does it take to dry?

Deck Defense will normally dry to the touch in about 30 minutes, and tack free in 4 hours; depending on temperature and humidity.  We suggest allowing 24 hours before placing furniture or allowing heavy traffic on surfaces, as dry does not necessarily mean “cured”.  Make sure rain is not in the forecast for at least 6 hours after application and applying in direct sunlight should be avoided as this can interfere with the drying process. 

Some manufacturers say you have to sand the deck, is this necessary with Deck Defense?

As a good preparation of any surface is paramount to the success of any job, sanding would greatly enhance your chances for a better job.  The credence for this amounts to the following; a properly sanded surface makes more surface area being exposed that will promote better penetration of the stain as well as allowing more stain to be deposited which promotes better adhesion and color development.  You will also be removing any mill glaze and improving the general condition of the surface making it more uniform.  This will help to reduce any blotchiness and color differences due to areas that may absorb more product than others, especially in one coat applications.

If I am going to sand, what is a good choice of paper?

As this is an exterior application that lends itself to a lot of traffic and other abuse from Mother Nature, we recommend using 60 grit sandpaper.  Using the heavier grit sandpaper will make the job a lot quicker and will also do a better job if any old finishes are to be removed.  After sanding is completed wash the surface thoroughly with Log Wash™

Our deck is about three years old and has never had a finish applied and is grayed out in some areas, what should I do?

We would recommend a thorough cleaning with Wood Renew™ to help restore the wood to the natural color before weathering.  Wood Renew™ is a percarbonate cleaner that also has a very effective detergent to aid in removal of stains and algae. Use of a stiff bristle brush will aid in removing stubborn stains. 

How often should I clean my deck?

A good schedule would be two normal cleanings per year. The first should be after the pollen season, removing all the winter debris as well.  The second should be in late fall prior to cold weather as any algae or mold growth will be removed that may have sprung up during hot, humid weather.  Again, do not expect the cleaner to be a “magical” product that will spirit away all that stuff, use a stiff synthetic bristle brush and a bit of good old elbow grease to make the job successful.

How long should Deck Defense last?As decks go, one must remember that a deck is one of the most difficult applications that a finish is used on.  Due to the horizontal application and abuse from the effects of sun, rain, traffic, winter weather; we are asking a lot from any finish.  Especially as decks are also the most overlooked form of construction that we have.  They are usually under maintained, overlooked, and we still think they should look good forever without any maintenance.  Over time Deck Defense will tend to fade and dull out and possibly develop dark areas without any maintenance.  Again cleaning will help extend the life as will a good two-coat application.  We expect time-wise 2-4 years; some will get more, some will get less.  But basically anytime it looks like it needs help, it usually does; and a lot of success depends on proper application the first time around.

Can I use bleach to clean my deck?

First of all, “bleach” is not a cleaner; it has no detergents or surfactants to help remove dirt.  Second “bleach” is hazardous to humans, plants and animals as well as the fibers in wood.  “Bleach” will destroy lignin in the wood and cause fuzzing and early finish failure.  So we do not recommend the use of “bleach” as a cleaner.

How do I apply Deck Defense?

Methods of application are mostly up to the choice of the user; after proper preparation, it may be applied with a brush and bucket method if you choose, or by airless sprayer with a .515 or .517 tip.  Spray application is the quickest and remember; the sprayer is just a tool to get the product on the surface; it doesn’t do all the work for you.  Back brush to work the product into the surface and make sure to cover all the checks and fissures taking care to get stain worked in.  Use good work practices and safety precautions to insure a safe environment.  Boxing of colors is recommended after mixing to help insure color uniformity.  Clean up is accomplished with soap and water.  Follow label recommendations and mix well before and during use.

Can I thin Deck Defense?

Deck Defense is thin enough already, do not thin ever.

What about maintenance?

Maintenance of Deck Defense should be routine under normal circumstances.  Traffic areas such as stair treads and walk patterns will show up first usually, and these can be touched up after proper cleaning.  In reality usually by then it will be time to re-stain.  Re-stain, clean the deck with Log Wash, allow surface to dry, and re-apply Deck Defense.

What is shelf life of Deck Defense?

Shelf life of Deck Defense is one year under proper storage conditions of unopened containers; store in dry, warm areas.  Always protect from freezing.

Does Deck Defense have a warranty?

As workmanship, weather, construction equipment, quality of other materials and other variables affecting, results are beyond of our control.  Perma-Chink Systems, Inc. does not make nor does it authorize any agent or representative to make any warranty of MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS for any purpose or any other warranty or guarantee, or representation, expressed or implied, concerning this material except that it conforms to Perma-Chink Systems, Inc. quality control standards.  Any liability whatsoever of Perma-Chink Systems, Inc. to the buyer or user of this product is limited to the purchaser’s cost of the product or replacement of the product at Perma-Chink Systems, Inc. discretion.

Last modified on Thursday, 08 April 2021 19:08