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Perma-Chink® Log Home Chinking

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Perma-Chink Systems (PCS) invented synthetic chinking in 1981 and revolutionized the log home industry. "Chink" is an Old English word for "gap".  Other names for chinking are log sealant or log caulk

Synthetic chinking is a water-based elastomeric material that is textured and colored to look just like traditional mortar chinking.  Our chinking is designed to provide years of protection from water and air infiltration for your log home or cabin.

Chinking from Perma-Chink Systems is made in the U.S.A. to the highest manufacturing standards.  We only use the highest quality materials in the formula...

PCS offers two styles of chinking; one for tradidional "chink-style" homes and one for modern "chinkless-style" homes also known as "log-on-log" or "swedish cope" style homes.

Perma-Chink is the chinking for "chink-style" homes.  Perma-Chink is designed to stand out and showcase the traditional look of mortar chinking.  Generally these gaps are 1" to 6" in size.

Energy Seal is the chinking for "chinkless-style" homes.  Energy Seal is designed to blend in and will accept a stain. These gaps are usually up to 1" in size.

Colors of Chinking:

