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Stretch Your Dollar With Finishes From Perma-Chink Systems

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Stretch Your Dollar With Finishes From Perma-Chink Systems

Stretching Your Dollar With Lifeline Ultra-2

For over 40 years Perma-Chink Systems has cared for log and timber homes through exceptional products designed to outlast and out-perform anything on the market. Getting the most for your money is something we can all identify with, and we endeavor to create significant value for our customers.

One key feature that makes our finishes a better value than other options on the market is the coverage rate. An average wood finish available at any big-box home improvement store offers a coverage rate of 150 square feet (sqft) per gallon. Even a finish specifically made for log homes only averages 150-250 sqft per gallon for a first coat, and 300-400 sqft per gallon for second or maintenance coats.Stretch your dollar with Ultra-2

Our Lifeline Ultra-2 finish comes in with a whopping 350-450 sqft per gallon first coat and 600-800 sqft per gallon second coat. That’s double the coverage rate of other products on the market. Additionally, our other Lifeline family of Ultra-7, Exterior, and Accents finishes have similar coverage rates, making any of our exterior finishes an excellent value.

Finish Brand

First Coat Coverage Rate
Per Gallon

Second Coat Coverage Rate
Per Gallon

Price per Gallon
(as of 6/2024)

Total Price
per Square Foot

Lifeline Ultra-2

350-450 sqft

600-800 sqft



Valspar Exterior

150 sqft




Sashco Capture

150-250 sqft

300-400 sqft



Lifeline finishes are not the lowest-priced option on the market by design. The science behind Ultra-2 engineered it to be better than available products, made with the highest-quality ingredients, creating exceptional value when you look at the total cost. We’ve analyzed the cost difference between low-quality finishes and high-quality finishes in our Money Matters article, where labor expenses are a significant factor that gets overlooked when comparing project pricing.  

For DIY projects, the material cost of Ultra-2 might be more expensive than the lower-cost choices, but the extra gallons needed to equal the coverage rate and years of durability of Ultra-2 negate any savings. Throw in the 5-year Limited Warranty Lifeline Ultra-2 has when properly maintained, the total cost cannot be beat by competitors. Lifeline finishes cover double the square footage and can last more than twice as long. Lesser quality finishes degrade faster and do not offer the superior protection Lifeline finishes offer. The inexpensive finish will end up costing twice as much for the same coverage, and twice more again when it comes to refinishing the home in two or three years.

At the end of the day, Lifeline Ultra-2 offers better coverage and longer durability than what you can find at a local big-box retailer. With a longer frequency between coats and the need for less finish to cover the same square footage, the value of Ultra-2 is clear.

Last modified on Thursday, 06 June 2024 16:08