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Is Chinking Cosmetic or a Sealant?

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Is Chinking Cosmetic or a Sealant?



Is Chinking Cosmetic or a Sealant?

Perma-Chink has evolved into an elastomeric compound that has been specifically designed for use in log home sealing applications. Perma-Chink adds to the overall integrity of the structure by not only preventing water and air from entering the home, but also adding greatly to the overall effectiveness of the entire building envelope - keeping heat and air from escaping during the heating and cooling seasons. While it looks fantastic when properly applied, Perma-Chink is most definitely a sealant first and a cosmetic product second.

It should also be mentioned that a properly applied chinking compound will help keep out unwanted insects and other nuisance pests. In the case of a “chinkless” style home, many homeowners often desire to add a chink line for cosmetic purposes to differentiate the home from a smooth-sided home. Or oftentimes on a full log wall system Perma-Chink is used as a contrast in the color of the chosen finish.

Who Can Apply Chinking Properly? A DIYer or a Pro?chinking med

Basically anyone can apply Perma-Chink properly if they follow instructions that are available. Some homeowners attend workshops or seminars to learn how, should they choose to apply the product themselves. But in today’s busy environments, some homeowners choose to use the services of trained contractors as the design of their dream home may require the use of specialized equipment, such as lifts or scaffolding, and a trained contractor can usually shorten the time required to accomplish the job. Therefore the homeowner can tend to the other necessities involved to get moved in, and sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day for the homeowner to do this.

How has Chinking Changed Over the Past Decade?

Perma-Chink was the first synthetic chinking produced in 1981. There have been many significant changes made in formulations to improve the adhesion, flexibility, and longevity. Early formulations were lacking in elongation and freeze-thaw stability, which resulted in performance issues and storage and application concerns. Today’s Perma-Chink offers excellent qualities in all areas to meet the needs of the industry. Application can be accomplished in a much wider range of temperature extremes with little or no worries about product performance. There have also been additions to the color palette of the products to keep up with the homeowner’s desire to mix and match shades and hues of today’s finishes.

How is Log Chinking Repaired?

When Perma-Chink is properly installed, there are usually no repairs needed unless it is damaged somehow. The hard part is keeping people from trying to “feel” it before it cures, which results in indentations or fingerprints; and those usually occur right at the front door for some reason. But if repairs are needed, small separations can easily be repaired by applying a small bead of chinking into the damaged area and smoothing out with a small brush and water. Most chinking issues are the result of improper application of trying to make too little go too far. Again, read the directions prior to application and you should not have to make repairs.

Can You Stain Log Chinking or Change its Color in Any Way?

The answer is yes; Perma-Chink can be stained, but it will not take the color as wood does, so the results may be undesirable. Perma-Chink manufactures Chink Paint to change the color of the chinking, if so desired. Chink Paint uses the same raw materials as the chinking, so they are completely compatible with each other.

No matter how much you know about log home chinking, there is always something new to discover.

Last modified on Tuesday, 31 October 2017 23:03