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Get Protection Against Carpenter Ants, Termites, Wood Boring Beetles, and Wood Rot Fungi.

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Get Protection Against Carpenter Ants, Termites, Wood Boring Beetles, and Wood Rot Fungi.

Anyone who has trees on their property has probably seen a carpenter ant here or there at one time or another. Foraging ants roam far and wide looking for food and an occasional sighting is common.carpenterants wood

However, if you’ve seen more than a few, there are some things you should know. First of all, carpenter ants do not eat wood, but they sure can damage it. They get their name because they chew through wood creating tunnels and galleries. Usually they nest in moist wood, however, if that’s not available they will expand into sound, dry wood where structural damage can take place quickly. Some even nest in foam, fiberglass insulation, or wood/foam composites.

So, whether you have even seen a carpenter ant or not, it is to your benefit to protect your home against them. Shell-Guard RTU is an excellent solution for preventing any problems. It is easy to use, completely odorless and requires just one application for the life of your home. It penetrates the wood where they nest, resulting in quicker control and protection against future infestations. Plus, it is deadly to most wood destroying organisms, so you can remedy a whole slew of problems with one easy application.

When insects come into contact with Shell-Guard treated wood, they live long enough to transport the active ingredients back to their nesting sites on their bodies where it continues to kill other insects in the nest. It works on all types of bare wood, is odorless and can be applied by spray or injection. Shell-Guard RTU is perfect for pre-treatment, remedial treatment and will not discolor your wood. It is the ultimate protection for your home.

For more information you can contact us direct at 1-800-548-3554, or visit our product page online.

Last modified on Monday, 20 May 2024 19:51