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DIY-Friendly Product For Log Home Owners

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DIY-Friendly Product For Log Home Owners

Projects can be daunting if you have limited or no experience. You gain experience by doing, and getting expert advice when you need, whether it's before the project, during, or after. Our customer service exists to help all log home owners get the best results using the best products for their log or timber home.

One recent homeowner project done by our customer Beth H. required removing the old finish and sealant, then restoring the home with Lifeline Ultra-2 Natural and Energy Seal in Cedar. Lifeline Advance Gloss topcoat encapsulated the wood, ensuring a long-lasting finish and great look.

 Products Used  
 Log Wash Log gap caps 
 Prelude  1/4", 3/8", and 1/2" backer rod
 Lifeline Ultra-2 - Natural  Lifeline Advance Gloss
 Energy Seal - Cedar  


With DIY-friendly products, anyone can tackle a home project and have fantastic looking results like this. In addition to our excellent customer service available to all customers, we have a library of Tech Tips for in-depth information on maintaining your log home.

Take a look at these pictures from Beth, showing the home before and after.







Take note of the proper use of Log Gap Caps and Energy Seal. We get a lot of questions about the best method to seal around windows and doors. We have a quick reference Tech Tips article here, but here are some pictures to illustrate how they work.

window seal with log gap cap

window seal with log gap cap

Last modified on Tuesday, 17 January 2023 18:37