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"Why I decided to use Perma-Chink on my log house...

I decided that I would pay the extra money to refinish our ten year old log home the right way, but I was not willing to spend money wihout making sure I would get the most for it.

When I visited Perma-Chinks web page I found they offered samples and decided that I would give them a try. I also found some samples at a local home supply store for another well known product for Log homes and another major paint/stain supplier with a good reputation.

Once received I followed the instructions given on the samples for all three companies. I treated sections of logs with all three products and let them sit for over a year, along with the rest of the wall untreated.

On the Perma-Chink test logs I first applied Wood ReNew, filled the checks and jonts with CheckMate 2 and then two coats of Lifeline Exterior stain on one log and one coat on the other. Once nice and dry I finished with two coats of Iifeline Advance on one log and one coat on the other, and walked away.

Now that the logs have been exposed through all four seasons I have inspected the work and decided on your product. Good product - The samples made it happen. Now the job begins."

Harold & Nancy A., NC

"I felt the workshops went great, but I feel you always do a great job at Perma-Chink. ...Keep up the good work. If you and your crew is ever looking for another field to expand to, you could start a Customer Service 101 classes and share your secrets. Thanks for the help when ever needed."

Debby U., TN.

"I would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff at Redmond, WA for a great workshop. The employees at your facility were extremely helpful and friendly. It was worth a trip from Canada."

Mike H., Canada

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