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3. Preserve

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3. Preserve

Most preservatives offer some type of guidelines to the actual life expectancy of the product, but as a rule of thumb, left exposed to the elements, you can expect two to four years before a reapplication is necessary.

Typically, Shell-Guard is applied with a garden type pump sprayer, although for smaller jobs, a hand held mist type sprayer is more efficient. When in doubt, follow application recommendations found on the label.

Use Shell-Guard for the protection and preventative treatment of wood against termites, carpenter ants, wood destroying beetles, wood decay fungi and for remedial control of such pests in infested wood or wood foam composites.applyborates

Apply the solution of Shell-Guard by brush or spray until the surface is thoroughly wet (1 gal per 108 square feet), but not so much that you reach drip and run-off.

Application may also be made by drilling and then injecting the solution under pressure into sound wood or until run-off is observed from entry/exit holes of infested wood. Treatment methods as described yields an approximate retention level of .24 pounds per cubic foot of boric acid equivalent (BAE) in the outer 3/4" of the wood.

To minimize borate leaching, apply a water resistant sealer such as Lifeline Ultra-2, Lifeline Ultra-7 or Lifeline Advance after the surface is dry to the touch. When using Shell-Guard Concentrate, this may take 2-4 weeks. Shell-Guard RTU can be stained over in 2-3 days.

Shell-Guard Concentrate and Shell-Guard RTU are a registered termiticide, insecticide, and fungicide.

Next Steps 

1. Inspect  |  2. Clean and restore  |  3. Preserve  |  4. Stain and Finish  |  5. Chink and Seal